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Ativan vs xanax. Y to get off it, but I really don't want to go through that. Especially after two years at 3 milligrams day. On the other hand, I've never abused it and I never need my dosage raised, so I don't feel it's necessary to stop taking it. It works the way it's supposed to without the side effects that some people would see as desirable. No confusion, no drunkness, no impairment. If anything, it keeps me from not being able to lye on the couch and watch TV without feeling like I want to jump out of my skin. A lot most of the anxiety stems from the Adderall which is an unfortunate necessity. I'm interested to hear other peoples feelings about my situation. I can honestly admit that I'm probably physically and possibly mentally addicted to my Attivan, but is that my fault? No, it's not, but even more importantly, is it a bad thing? I personally don't see why. It helps me. Please give me some insights. I can't talk about this with friends.susans02 03 2004C6 Rowin I agree with you 100%. I've bee
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N on 2 mg of Xanax for GAD and I only felt high the first time I took one pill. Now it just takes the edge off. sometimes I forget to take it it I'm not having a bad day. To me it's medication when a doctor is supervising, not a drug, like heroin. My mother refused to take insulin for diabetes and now she's dead. I'd rather be dependent on a medication then die of stress. My psychiatrist said that people with anxiety disorders rarely have addictive personalities because they're afraid of losing control. Also, as you said, it does not make you high - just normal. Impaired thinking may be a side effect of medication, but in my case, when I'm anxious my thinking really becomes impaired. I was on ativan for a time to cut the anxiety Zoloft caused and I weaned myself off that very easily. I even weaned myself off Valium 25 years ago when I decided I wanted to. Thread closed to new comments Mental Health Forum Mental Health Archives Med Help International If you are struggling with depressio