valium 20mg Rience Vaults: Diazepam - Some Words on After-Effects - 6295 Participate in a new Prescription Pain Medication survey more info Some Words on After-Effects Diazepam by Pablo DOSE : Pharms - Diazepam BODY WEIGHT : 280 lb I have recreationally used Valium on numerous occasions in doses ranging from 10mg up to 50mg. Here are my conclusions: - In doses of 10-20mg valium 20mg, Valium generally produces a mild euphoric buzz with a sense of calm valium 20mg, relaxtion valium 20mg, sedation and mild muscle relaxant qualities. - At doses higher than 20mg valium 20mg, I find that the buzz becomes too heavy & sedating to enjoy - I just have a tendency to want to go to sleep. - Using alcohol & Valium in combo seems t valium 20mg.
valium 20mg O just create a greater depressant effect. A couple of drinks with a low dose of Valium - 10mg - seems OK & a sensible limit to observe. However valium 20mg, combining Valium with alcohol is a risky proposition. LARGE quantities of alcohol & Valium in combination could be serious - coma or even death in some cases. - One negative thing I would point out about Valium is the after effects. I find that Valium valium 20mg, especially if used fairly regularly (several times a week) valium 20mg, tends to build up in your system. In technical terms valium 20mg, Valium has a half-life of approx. 40 hours and the major metabolite of Valium - desmethyldiazepam - has a half-life of 100 hours. In laymans terms this means that Valium will hang around in your system valium 20mg, causing subtle active effects for several days after taking the drug. What I find is that this causes a sense of mild depression and a mild dulling of the senses which lasts for about 3-5 days. However valium 20mg, I know others who use Valium who say that they do not perceive any depressive dulling effects at all. Your mileage may vary ... Exp Year: 2000ID: 6295 Added: Feb 18 valium 20mg, 2002Views: 56863 Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the individual authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid. Erowid Experience Vault © 1996-2004 .
valium 20mg Ans that Valium will hang around in your system valium 20mg, causing subtle active effects for several days after taking the drug. What I find is that this causes a sense of mild depression and a mild dulling of the senses which lasts for about 3-5 days. However valium 20mg, I know others who use Valium who say that they do not perceive any depressive dulling effects at all. Your mileage may vary ... Exp Year: 2000ID: 6295 Added: Feb 18 valium 20mg, 2002Views: 56863 Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the individual authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid. Erowid Experience Vault © 1996-2004 E.
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