valium addiction .) In this footnote to my article with Rich DeGrandpre valium addiction, "Cocaine and the concept of addiction valium addiction, " I describe some prominent examples of Valium addicts valium addiction, including an example of one TV personality who was addicted to both cocaine and valium: Benzodiazepine and caffeine addictions are often faceless valium addiction, since this drug use is so readily accepted in our society and all of us know many nonaddicted users. When personal accounts of severe and problematic addiction were reported for tranquilizers in several first-person best sellers such as Barbara Gordon's I'm Dancing as Fast as I Can and Betty Ford's The Times of My Life valium addiction, industry spokespeople pointed out tha valium addiction.
valium addiction T these cases were quite unusual. Indeed they are valium addiction, as are cases of cocaine addiction. Nonetheless valium addiction, it strikes most people as ludicrous to speak of tranquilizer and cocaine addiction in the same breath. One person for whom this is not the case is New York television newscaster Jim Jensen valium addiction, who reported readily giving up a cocaine habit in treatment but being unable to shake his valium dependence: "Valium withdrawal soon plunged him into a massive depression that left him unable to eat or sleep. It took two more months in two hospitals for him to regain his mental and physical health" (Jensen valium addiction, 1989 valium addiction, p. 67). Ref.: Jensen valium addiction, J. (1989 valium addiction, September 4). A veteran TV anchorman's toughest story was his own & 151; he had to beat drugs and depression. People valium addiction, pp. 67-73. Stanton © Copyright 1996-2006 Stanton Peele. All rights reserved. The opinions contained on this website are Stanton Peele's and in no way reflect those of the financial supporters of the website. All material provided on the Stanton Peele Addiction Website is provided for informational or educational purposes only. Stanton Peele cannot provide individual clinical or therapy recommendations for persons consulting this site unless they have specifically retained Stanton for this purpose and he addresses them individually. Consult a licensed therapi.
valium addiction An TV anchorman's toughest story was his own & 151; he had to beat drugs and depression. People valium addiction, pp. 67-73. Stanton © Copyright 1996-2006 Stanton Peele. All rights reserved. The opinions contained on this website are Stanton Peele's and in no way reflect those of the financial supporters of the website. All material provided on the Stanton Peele Addiction Website is provided for informational or educational purposes only. Stanton Peele cannot provide individual clinical or therapy recommendations for persons consulting this site unless they have specifically retained Stanton for this purpose and he addresses them individually. Consult a licensed therapis.
valium addiction
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