weight loss drug adipex Ail this PageTo a Friend FDA Consumer Reprint July-August 1994 & Jan-Feb 1996; Revised May 1998 & May 1999 See also Losing Weight: More Than Counting Calories in the January-February 2002 issue of FDA Consumer. This article combines two articles that originally appeared in the July-August 1994 and January-February 1996 issues of FDA Consumer and contains revisions made in May 1998 and May 1999. Ways to Win at Weight Loss by Marilynn Larkin Americans trying to lose weight have plenty of company. According to a 1995 report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) weight loss drug adipex, tens of millions of Americans are dieting at any given time weight loss drug adipex, spending more than $33 billion y weight loss drug adipex.
weight loss drug adipex Early on weight-reduction products weight loss drug adipex, such as diet foods and drinks. Yet weight loss drug adipex, studies over the last two decades by the National Center for Health Statistics show that obesity in the United States is actually on the rise. Today weight loss drug adipex, approximately 35 percent of women and 31 percent of men age 20 and older are considered obese weight loss drug adipex, up from approximately 30 percent and 25 percent weight loss drug adipex, respectively weight loss drug adipex, in 1980. The words obesity and overweight are generally used interchangeably. However weight loss drug adipex, according to the IOM report weight loss drug adipex, their technical meanings are not identical. Overweight refers to an excess of body weight that includes all tissues weight loss drug adipex, such as fat weight loss drug adipex, bone and muscle. Obesity refers specifically to an excess of body fat. It is possible to be overweight without being obese weight loss drug adipex, as in the case of a body builder who has a substantial amount of muscle mass. It is possible to be obese without being overweight weight loss drug adipex, as in the case of a very sedentary person who is within the desirable weight range but who nevertheless has an excess of body fat. However weight loss drug adipex, most overweight people are also obese and vice versa. Men with more than 25 percent and women with more than 30 percent body fat are considered obese. Many people who diet fail to lose weight--or weight loss drug adipex, if they do lose weight loss drug adipex, fail to maintain the lower weight over the long term. As the IOM report weight loss drug adipex, "Weighing The Option.
weight loss drug adipex Lly to an excess of body fat. It is possible to be overweight without being obese weight loss drug adipex, as in the case of a body builder who has a substantial amount of muscle mass. It is possible to be obese without being overweight weight loss drug adipex, as in the case of a very sedentary person who is within the desirable weight range but who nevertheless has an excess of body fat. However weight loss drug adipex, most overweight people are also obese and vice versa. Men with more than 25 percent and women with more than 30 percent body fat are considered obese. Many people who diet fail to lose weight--or weight loss drug adipex, if they do lose weight loss drug adipex, fail to maintain the lower weight over the long term. As the IOM report weight loss drug adipex, "Weighing The Options.
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