zoloft vs paxil Signs. She seems too weak to do anything for herself and is getting weaker and weaker by just being in bed. She is still on Zoloft. I can't help but wonder whether she might be less lethargic and bed-bound if she were not taking Zoloft. What do you think?Tony T.06 18 2000C8 . I remember when I read the initial instructions zoloft vs paxil, for Zoloft zoloft vs paxil, there was 52 weeks time limit. No elaboration on what if you use it longer zoloft vs paxil, when you get weaned is there any withdrawal symptom zoloft vs paxil, or relapse of condition. I'm 68 zoloft vs paxil, suffered stress-depression for a long time. The 1st medicine was Doxoepen zoloft vs paxil, then Prozac & Paxil before Zoloft. Although Zoloft 150mg is the best of them zoloft vs paxil, I can’t wait zoloft vs paxil.
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zoloft vs paxil Y previous capabilities without dependency on any zoloft vs paxil, so my liver functions return to normal. I also use Zocor 5mg & generic Librax 5 2.5mg. I appreciate your response & time. Sincerely zoloft vs paxil, TonyJohn Adams09 17 2000C10 .I suffer from occassional panic attacks. I have always been a fairly anxious person. I began taking 10 mg.'s of Paxil and it was helping me but not that well. When I started taking 20 mg. it worked much better. I felt much more stable emotionally and capable of handling those situations that used to cause me anxiety. Well zoloft vs paxil, I went in to get a refill a few days ago and they said that I didn't have any refills available. So zoloft vs paxil, I have been without paxil fo.
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