Pregnant zoloft. - pregnant women should avoid paxil - health news .... Salt lake tribune - obstetricians warn pregnant women to avoid the ....

National advocates for pregnant women: drug/terror ads and kids ....

Pregnant women warned about paxil - pregnancy -

Pregnant zoloft. Ies have grown over the years. These registries follow women taking a certain drug until their pregnancy ends, allowing researchers to use the results to assess risks to mothers and their babies. According to a review of pregnancy registries published in the November December 1999 issue of the Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association, eight were recruiting patients as of October 1999, including the Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry run by Massachusetts General Hospital and the Organization of Teratology Information Services' (OTIS) Asthma Medications and Pregnancy Project. The stage of pregnancy also influences clinical decisions. For example, after 24 weeks of pregnancy, the antibiotic tetracycline can cause permanent staining of a baby's teeth. And ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors, a group of drugs that treat high blood pressure, can damage a baby's kidneys in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Depending on the risks, doctors may adapt treatment pregnant zoloft

Ob/gyn group urges pregnant women to shun paxil - womens health ...

by switching a pregnant woman to a similar drug that is safer or prescribing medicine only during a certain portion of the pregnancy. "For example, if a depressed woman is taking lithium, she may be able to briefly discontinue the medication during the period of the baby's heart formation," Conover says. "Lithium use in pregnancy carries a small risk of fetal heart defects." Revamping Pregnancy Labeling Revamping pregnancy labeling is at the core of the FDA's efforts to better guide health-care professionals in making treatment decisions. Since 1975, the FDA has required drug labeling to include a subsection on a drug's ability to cause birth defects and other effects on reproduction and pregnancy. Products also must be classified under one of five letter categories--A, B, C, D, and X (see the chart "Current Categories for Drug Use in Pregnancy"). A public hearing in 1997 revealed that while this category system is a start, it's confusing and leads to oversimplification. "The letters pregnant zoloft

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pregnant zoloft Ts." Revamping Pregnancy Labeling Revamping pregnancy labeling is at the core of the FDA's efforts to better guide health-care professionals in making treatment decisions. Since 1975 pregnant zoloft, the FDA has required drug labeling to include a subsection on a drug's ability to cause birth defects and other effects on reproduction and pregnancy. Products also must be classified under one of five letter categories--A pregnant zoloft, B pregnant zoloft, C pregnant zoloft, D pregnant zoloft, and X (see the chart "Current Categories for Drug Use in Pregnancy"). A public hearing in 1997 revealed that while this category system is a start pregnant zoloft, it's confusing and leads to oversimplification. "The letters imply a gradation of risk that doesn't n pregnant zoloft.

pregnant zoloft Ecessarily exist pregnant zoloft, " says the FDA's Kweder. People falsely assume that drugs labeled as category X pose the most risk in pregnancy and drugs labeled as A pose the least. But X reflects a benefit-risk judgment pregnant zoloft, and drugs in that category may be no more toxic than drugs called C or D. Some drugs pregnant zoloft, such as oral contraceptives pregnant zoloft, land in Category X simply because there is no reason to use them in pregnancy. And a drug can fall into Category C because there is some medium level of risk based on animal studies pregnant zoloft, or because no animal studies have been conducted. Since 1997 pregnant zoloft, the FDA has been developing a new regulation that will revamp the pregnancy labeling system. The proposed regulation would replace the letter categories with more detailed pregnant zoloft, narrative descriptions. Information on fertility pregnant zoloft, pregnancy pregnant zoloft, and breast-feeding would be included. Pooling Data Enhancing data collection is critical for making a new labeling system meaningful for health-care professionals pregnant zoloft, says Kweder. As part of a large pregnant zoloft, new safety reporting regulation that the FDA is developing pregnant zoloft, drug manufacturers would be required to provide periodic reports on positive and negative experiences in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. "In the past pregnant zoloft, we've waited for spontaneous reports of bad outcomes pregnant zoloft, " she explains. "This rule would require a proactive approac.

pregnant zoloft Oposed regulation would replace the letter categories with more detailed pregnant zoloft, narrative descriptions. Information on fertility pregnant zoloft, pregnancy pregnant zoloft, and breast-feeding would be included. Pooling Data Enhancing data collection is critical for making a new labeling system meaningful for health-care professionals pregnant zoloft, says Kweder. As part of a large pregnant zoloft, new safety reporting regulation that the FDA is developing pregnant zoloft, drug manufacturers would be required to provide periodic reports on positive and negative experiences in women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. "In the past pregnant zoloft, we've waited for spontaneous reports of bad outcomes pregnant zoloft, " she explains. "This rule would require a proactive approach.

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pregnant zoloft
Els I was experiencing while depressed weren't exactly benefiting my baby. This baby is fine - incredible actually. I've continued to take Zoloft while breastfeeding, in part to stave off post-partum depression, which hit me hard after the last pregnancy, and in part to help me adjust to the "new normal" of motherhood. If your wife has had trouble with depression before, you should be concerned about pp depression - it made my earlier episodes seem like innocuous bad moods. I took Paxil, btw, when I was nursing my first child, with no ill effects. My OB says that Zoloft only shows up in small amounts in the milk and, so far, has not shown to have harmful effects on the baby. Along with Paxil, it's commonly prescribed to pregnant and nursing mothers. There's a good discussion on the The Berkeley Parent's Network, complete with personal anecdotes. It's never easy to decide to expose your baby to drugs, even a minute amount. But there are several components to being a "good" parent, and keeping your baby chemically pure (perhaps a quixotic goal in this environment) might come at too high an emotional expense. If you are worried, by all means, try exercise and therapy - they work for many people. But if your wife chooses to take Zoloft, remember that A) She's at the mercy of some powerful hormonal changes and B) She has the OK from the majority of the medical community. Don't let the inevitable "drugs are for the weak" chorus guilt either one of you. Feel free to email me if you have any further questions. posted by bibliowench at 7:24 AM PST on Au Yahoo!
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